229-559-1662 ben@wegetittoo.org

Warning Signs

Knowing the warning signs is so important and early detection is crucial!


The most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. Masses can be hard to the touch or soft and tender. Some masses can be painful to the touch.

Nipple Discharge

Nipple discharge is leakage of any fluid from the nipple. The discharge may be milky, clear, yellow, green, brown or bloody, as well as thick and sticky or thin and watery, depending on the causes.


The appearance of the skin changes in color, ranging from pink to reddish purple.  Normally, this redness encompasses over a third of the breast’s surface.

Inversion of the Nipple

Inversion of the nipple, which can also be called nipple retraction or inverted nipple, is when the point of the breast turns inward or becomes inverted.

Skin Dimpling

The breast’s skin may have ridges or appear pitted, like the skin of an orange.